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The A&P Professor Podcast
TAPP Radio

Content updates and teaching advice for teachers of human anatomy & physiology (A&P) from professor, author, and mentor Kevin Patton. 

Have a question, comment, or an idea for an episode you'd like to hear—or in which you would like to participate or help plan? Contact host Kevin Patton. Or call the podcast hotline at 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336).

For more details on each episode—including transcripts—please visit The A&P Professor website.

Nov 27, 2019

A brief preview of the upcoming full episode, featuring upcoming topics—plus word dissections, a book club recommendation of Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning, an external review of this podcast, and the TAPP app!

00:19 | Topics
01:49 | TAPP app
13:24 | Podcast Review Show
17:25 | Sponsored by HAPI...

Nov 15, 2019

A brief preview of the upcoming full episode, featuring upcoming topics (macrophages in joints, sugared RNA, lab models, and more on scoring misspellings)—plus word dissections, a book club recommendation (The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools), and more!

00:19 | Topics
01:24 | Sponsored by HAPI...