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The A&P Professor Podcast
TAPP Radio

Content updates and teaching advice for teachers of human anatomy & physiology (A&P) from professor, author, and mentor Kevin Patton. 

Have a question, comment, or an idea for an episode you'd like to hear—or in which you would like to participate or help plan? Contact host Kevin Patton. Or call the podcast hotline at 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336).

For more details on each episode—including transcripts—please visit The A&P Professor website.

May 26, 2018

Kevin interviews professor and author Paul Krieger, who describes a simple activity with contour drawing to get his students primed to learn human anatomy. Apps for your mobile device are now available, providing the easiest way to listen to this podcast.

TAPP APP now available! (2 min)
Introduction to Paul Krieger

May 21, 2018

Getting ready for the annual conference of the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS)? Long-timer Kevin Patton gives some tips on how to get the most out of your experience, including Kevin's Law of Professional Development.

Getting ready for the annual conference of the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS)?...

May 14, 2018

Walk away from each semester with confidence by doing an intentional course review before you leave. Which is the correct spelling, mamillary or mammillary? Put your A&P course into high gear with a new episode of TAPP Radio.

How do you spell mamillary? (5.5 min)
Leave each semester with confidence after a course...

May 7, 2018

Kevin reviews News & Notes: keeping pig brains alive, new form of DNA found in cells, your HAPS road trip. A discussion of which pronunciation of A&P terms is "correct." The A&P Student blog is a useful resource for students.

News & Notes | pig brains, new DNA found, TAPP, HAPS roadtrip (9 min)
Pronouncing issues with...