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The A&P Professor Podcast
TAPP Radio

Content updates and teaching advice for teachers of human anatomy & physiology (A&P) from professor, author, and mentor Kevin Patton. 

Have a question, comment, or an idea for an episode you'd like to hear—or in which you would like to participate or help plan? Contact host Kevin Patton. Or call the podcast hotline at 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336).

For more details on each episode—including transcripts—please visit The A&P Professor website.

Mar 9, 2020

Kevin Patton confesses to a mistaken early release of Preview Episode 64, offering this brief "bonus" to assure listeners that the full episode is coming. And while we're at it, let's not forget about sending in your HAPS Conference stories. Join the TAA writing network. And that survey. Don't forget the survey!

00:20 | Mistake!
02:30 | HAPS Conference Guide
03:21 | Survey Says...
04:15 | Word Dissection
10:15 | TAA Writing Network
10:13 | Survey Says...
14:08 | Sponsors
14:26 | Staying Connected


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Please take the anonymous survey:

Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336)
Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Nuzzel, Tumblr, or Instagram!



2 minutes

Yikes, because of a scheduling error, Preview Episode 64 was released a week early. So here's special post preview episode to bridge the gap, so you won't think you missed an episode!


HAPS Conference Guide

1 minute

I need your questions, tips, strategies, stories NOW for the upcoming 2020 edition of Kevin's Unofficial Guide to the Annual HAPS Conference. Like right now!


Survey Says...

0.5 minute



Word Dissection

6 minutes

COVID-19—what does it mean and where did it come from? And who cares, anyway?


Stay up to date with reliable information about COVID-19 and other topics of interest to A&P teacher by subscribing to my daily headlines at



Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA)

4 minutes

TAA is a professional development organization that helps authors of instructional materials (including textbooks) and of academic journals and books to become more effective writers. Help with legal issues (e.g., contracts, permissions, copyright), time management, writing skills, coaching, and many other needs are found within a variety of powerful resources such as articles, books, webinars, seminars, and conferences.




0.5 minute

Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (HAPI)

Online graduate program for holders of advanced degrees who want a comprehensive review of core principles of both anatomy and physiology, introduction to contemporary teaching practice, hands-on practice in course design and implementation, navigating the roles of college faculty, and collaboration with peers in building a solid portfolio in teaching human anatomy and physiology.

NYCC Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction


American Association for Anatomy (AAA)

  • A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at
  • Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership!

AAA logo



The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS)

You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there.

HAPS logo


If the hyperlinks here are not active, go to to find the episode page.


Tools & Resources 
Snagit & Camtasia
The A&P Professor Logo Items
Transcript and captions for this episode
are supported by the 
American Association for Anatomy.
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society 
aprovides marketing support for this podcast.
Distribution of this episode is supported by 
NYCC's online graduate program in 
Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (HAPI)
Clicking on sponsor links 
helps let them know you appreciate
their support of this podcast!
Follow The A&P Professor on  Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Nuzzel, Tumblr, or Instagram!
The A&P Professor® and Lion Den® are registered trademarks of Lion Den Inc. (Kevin Patton)