Jan 27, 2020
Host Kevin Patton discusses issues caused by our expectations of anatomy & physiology course prerequisites and answers the question: which prerequisites work best? Recent reports of a bone-marrow recipient with donor DNA in his semen prompts a brief review of what happened. Wi-Fi fields can produce biological effects....
Jan 23, 2020
A brief preview of the upcoming full episode, featuring upcoming topics—Wi-Fi effects, transplant genome issues, & course prerequisites— plus word dissections, a book club recommendation (To Sell Is Human), and more!
00:20 | Topics
02:02 | Sponsored by ADInstruments
03:05 | Word Dissection
11:58 | Sponsored by...
Jan 13, 2020
The conversation about flashcards continues in this third of three series about helping our students use retrieval practice in A&P. Advanced methods include stars & emojis, multiple cards, plus concept lists & maps. We remember stress expert Bruce McEwen and introduce our new sponsor: ADInstruments.
00:45 | Bruce...
Jan 9, 2020
A brief preview of the upcoming full episode, featuring upcoming topics (advanced flashcards & Bruce McEwen tribute)—plus word dissections, a book club recommendation (The End of Stress As We Know It), & more!
00:19 | Topics
01:05 | Sponsored by ADInstruments
02:59 | Word Dissection
10:43 | Sponsored by HAPS
11:18 |...