Jan 27, 2021
In his annual look back at this podcast, host Kevin Patton reviews what we learned this year in A&P teaching. Which was a lot! He also looks ahead to what to expect in teaching—and in the podcast—as we go forward.
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Looking back we see with great clarity, and what once appeared as difficulties now reveal themselves as blessings. (Dan Millman)
9.5 minutes
Kevin kicks off his annual debriefing of the last full year of this podcast, which started its fourth year on 15 January 2021. As usual, the podcast seems to have accomplished a lot more than he was thinking.
4.5 minutes
Sponsor messages are a fair trade when somebody else pays for your podcast listening. And they give important reminders about programs and services available to you and your colleagues!
A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at anatomy.org.
Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership!
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings!
The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program. Check it out!
8 minutes
Some changes and additions over the last year...
15.5 minutes
Kevin uses his psychic powers (meaning he uses his mind) to predict trends for the coming year and beyond.
8.5 minutes
This year, we took The A&P Professor experience to a new level by offering the new online private community away from distracting social media platforms, tangle email threads, and the roiling sea of available webinars. It's still in its embryonic stage, but we wanted to get it out there during the pandemic when faculty need it the most.
4.5 minutes
Now all the professional development—that continuing education—that you do when you listen to The A&P Professor podcast, read the books recommended in The A&P Professor Book Club, watch the online seminars at The A&P Professor website, any micro-courses or networking you do in The A&P Professor Community, can be documented with micro-credentials! It's the new The A&P Professor Education or TAPP-ed initiative.
Click this link to claim your credential for listening to this episode: form.jotform.com/210247218258150
4 minutes
As we muddle through pandemic teaching, we become more complex. As we cycle through optimism, pessimism, hope, anxiety, triumph, we are changed. Some changes are good; some are not. We'll probably come out of this with some sort of pandemic-related PTSD—at least in terms of our teaching experience. Building resilience and hope are essential. A supportive professional community—and your favorite podcast—can help.
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